Category Archives: News & Topics

Alternative measures during the suspension of the e-learning service

October 7, 2021
[Updated]December 3, 2021
Information Systems Division, R-IH


Alternative measures during the suspension of the e-learning service


Until the e-learning service is resumed, please use the materials shared on Box.
The materials and contact information are as follows.
For materials with tests, please take and pass the tests after resuming the service.
After taking the course, please send an email to the contact information to that effect.


(We will be adding more materials as we go along.)

Material name Box URL
Information Security 4
理化学研究所的信息安全4 [CN]
理研の情報セキュリティ4 [JP]
Managing Conflict of Interest
Accommodating individuals with disabilities
Recruitment Orientation
Work Regulations Standards of Ethical Conduct
Manager Training
Copyright Issues involving Webmasters


Schedule regarding the Postman mail server shutdown

September 17, 2021
Information Systems Division, R-IH


Schedule regarding shutting down the Postman mail server


We’d like to announce our schedule regarding the Postman mail server shutdown due to the migration to Office 365 mail.
We will scale down the Postman mail server services in stages, and by the end of September, we will stop providing webmail (Webmailer) and IT Helpdesk support for Postman mail server usage.
At the end of November, we will stop the email sending function using SMTPs authentication. We will notify individually those using the Postman mail server to send mails using SMTPs authentication. 

Please continue to use Office 365 mail for your work as the extension of the Postman server reference(receiving mails) period is for the purpose of migrating email data. If you want to evacuate the mail data on the Postman mail server, please allow enough time in your schedule for the migration.

Postman service schedule


After the end of the 2021 FY, you can still use the Postman mail server as an SMTP server (Port: 25) for sending mail from mailing list addresses, printers, monitoring systems, etc. We will announce the future of mail services in general, including ML, separately. 


Information Systems Division IT Helpdesk


Postman Mail Server Reference Period Extended

August 23, 2021
Information Systems Division, R-IH


Postman Mail Server Reference Period Extended


We’d like to announce that the Postman mail server, which was scheduled to be stopped at the end of September after we started providing the Office 365 mail service, will be available for reference until the end of the 2021 FY.
This extension is to migrate email data, so please continue to use Office 365 mail for your work. If you want to evacuate the mail data on the Postman mail server, you are kindly requested to do so with plenty of time.

The shutdown date of the Postman mail server will be changed as follows.
 September 30, 2021 –> March 31, 2022 

The following accesses will remain available until the shutdown date. (Outgoing Not Available)
 – POP3s (Port: 995)
 – IMAPs (Port: 993)

After the end of the 2021 FY, you can still use the Postman mail server as an SMTP server (Port: 25) for sending mail from mailing list addresses, printers, monitoring systems, etc. We will announce the future of mail services in general, including ML, separately.


Information Systems Division IT Helpdesk