Support for PIaaS usage in SS

Support for PIaaS usage in SS


The Data Science Platform HOKUSAI SailingShip (SS) is a private IaaS(PIaaS) that requires users to build the system infrastructure on the tenant provided. The tenant administrator creates a VM on the OpenStack management console, manages accounts on the created VM, and installs and configures the services to be used. Constructing such a system, however, is not easy for researchers and is quite time consuming

Therefore, we will provide support for building a system on the tenant as PIaaS usage support, aiming to reduce researchers’ time and effort while making effective use of SS. However, this service does not guarantee the construction of the system, but only as much as we can do. We would also like to receive information from users and would like to promote information sharing among users.

Contents of PIaaS Usage Support

We will provide common use images (snapshots) and configuration management tool ansible playbooks, etc. to help you build your system.

Configurable Systems

  • User management by LDAP
  • File server: Samba, NFS (limited)
  • Remote desktop: RDP, VNC
  • Job management: slurm (singularity can be executed)
  • Bioinformatics: jupyter and R via reverse proxy

Provided in the following pages about Ansible playbook, its usage, and system construction.

  • Download the latest version of the zip file from the following box folder
  • Latest Version
    • Version 202301alpha (Release: March 23, 2023)
    • File name:
  • Documentation
    • At this stage, it is only available in Japanese, but we will prepare an English version as soon as possible.
    • README: Overview and minimum system setup (read it first)
    • User’s Guide: User’s guide to support the use of PIaaS (absolutely read when building the system)
    • TIPS: Reference information


  • The system construction in this service is intended to be used in the internal network of RIKEN, so please be very careful about security when exposing the system outside RIKEN.
  • We do not have a support system so we will help you as much as we can.
  • Please let us know of any errors, improvements, or requests. We will take them into consideration for future service.
