Category Archives: Shared Use Computers HOKUSAI
Notice of HOKUSAI Maintenance

Supercomputer HOKUSAI BigWaterfall(HBW) will be stopped in the schedule below. At that time, regular maintenance will also be performed.
Online Submission System(hss-desk) of Data Science Infrastructure(HSS) will be stopped in the schedule below.

From 9:00 a.m. on March 31 to 3:00 p.m. on April 1

From 9:00 a.m. on March 31 to 3:00 p.m. on April 1

For HBW, note that job execution control will be performed before the downtime: Jobs that are expected not to end until the start time of the downtime will be not started. After resuming operation, the unstarted jobs will be started.

For HSS, tenants and VMs will not be suspended, but only the Online Submission System(hss-desk) will be suspended for the following period.

Both HBW and HSS projects will begin in FY2022 after maintenance.


Notice of emergency maintenance of data farm in HOKUSAI SailingShip system

The following emergency maintenance tasks will be performed at the HOKUSAI SailingShip system data farm (shared storage).
This is because a problem was discovered in the redundant network equipment of the file server that took a very long time to switch when a failure occurred. Data stored on shared storage is not affected.

Date: Monday, February 21, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Includes: Data Farm Equipment Firmware Update
Impact: During the work period, the following will not be available.
* Accesing the OpenStack Management Console
* Using VMs (Instance)
* Accesing the online submission system
* please stopped VMs (instances) by February 21 10:00.
Any vm that are running when the emergency maintenance is started will be forcibly terminated
* VMs will not start automatically after the emergency maintenance is completed, so please start it by yourself.

In addition, due to the above maintenance, NextCloud, NextCloud Portal, and the Online Submission System(accc-desk) of HOKUSAI BigWaterfall(BW) will not be available during the following period.
(HBW itself can be used as usual.)
Date: Monday, February 21, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Acceptance of FY2021 Usage Report has started
We have just anounced by email to HOKUSAI users that we start accepting the Usage Report of FY2021 project.

Accepting period

Start: 3:00 PM (JST) February 9, 2022
End: 5:00 PM (JST) March 2, 2022
  • Since the application system will be closed automatically at the deadline, please complete submitting process including uploading the files in advance with a margin by the deadline.
    • please complete submitting process including uploading the files in advance with a margin by the deadline.
  • Users and projects who do not submit the Usage Report by the submission deadline will not be allowed to use RIKEN Supercomputer after the next FY.
