All posts by editor_7

[Please fill out the questionnaire] Questionnaire regarding the use of Fugaku

September 15, 2022
Information Systems Division, R-IH

Please help us by filling out this questionnaire in advance of preparing for the Fugaku use support.

Purpose of the questionnaire

We are considering establishing a comprehensive framework for RIKEN researchers to promote research and development and improve operational efficiency, not only within RIKEN, but also by utilizing a variety of external and other paid computing resources and services that are appropriate for their own research and work.

This initiative aims to establish a consistent framework for the use of computational resources and services, not only within RIKEN but also from a variety of external resources and services, based on the direction set by President Gokami, who assumed his new position this fiscal year. In this fiscal year, as a trial for the use of paid computational resources and services, we expect to initially subsidize the usage fees from the President’s Discretionary Funds.

As one of this year’s trials, RIKEN is considering actively adopting and subsidizing the use of Fugaku for simulations and data processing that RIKEN expects to produce results as soon as possible. Although the details of the subsidy may vary depending on the total number of proposals submitted, at this time we are assuming that the full amount of the subsidy will be provided for this trial use. We are conducting this survey as a preliminary study for this purpose. We would appreciate your active participation in this survey.

  • Target: RIKEN employee (for visiting staff, please consult with your supervisor (PI))
  • Deadline: 6:00 p.m., September 26, 2022
  • Contact: isys-hpc [at]

Notice of HOKUSAI Maintenance

Supercomputer HOKUSAI BigWaterfall(HBW) and Data Science Infrastructure(HSS) will be stopped in the schedule below due to the planned power outage in Wako campus. At that time, regular maintenance will also be performed.

Downtime(HOKUSAI BW and SS):
from 5:00 p.m. on October 7 to 6:00 p.m. on October 11

For BW, note that job execution control will be performed before the downtime: Jobs that are expected not to end until the start time of the downtime will be not started. After resuming operation, the unstarted jobs will be started.

For SS, please stop VMs (instances) before the service is stopped. Any VMs that are running when the service is stopped will be forcibly terminated. VMs will not start automatically after the service is restarted, so please start it by yourself.

Notice of HOKUSAI Maintenance

Supercomputer HOKUSAI BigWaterfall(HBW) will be stopped in the schedule below. At that time, regular maintenance will also be performed.
Online Submission System(hss-desk) of Data Science Infrastructure(HSS) will be stopped in the schedule below.

From 9:00 a.m. on March 31 to 3:00 p.m. on April 1

From 9:00 a.m. on March 31 to 3:00 p.m. on April 1

For HBW, note that job execution control will be performed before the downtime: Jobs that are expected not to end until the start time of the downtime will be not started. After resuming operation, the unstarted jobs will be started.

For HSS, tenants and VMs will not be suspended, but only the Online Submission System(hss-desk) will be suspended for the following period.

Both HBW and HSS projects will begin in FY2022 after maintenance.
