Trouble Shooting

Last updated on: 2014/11/05

How to fix a problem when I cannot establish a connection

Users behind a proxy server may not be able to establish a VPN connection. It depends on the policy of the network you access from, which is deployed on the proxy server. Except for such a case, there are two failure patterns in establishing a VPN connection, which you could fix by following the links below.

  1. Unable to connect because of an incorrect certificate settings   » What is wrong when I cannot establish a VPN connection? (Username and Password Requested)
  2. Unable to connect because the communication between the server ( and the client (user PC) is suspended halfway.  » What is wrong when I cannot establish a VPN connection? (The screen goes white)


Please contact us at if you couldn’t establish a connection although you’ve ensured all the above.

This document was created on 2011-06-23