Category Archives: Shared Use Computers HOKUSAI
[UpDate]Intel Composer XE 2015

Intel Compier of RICC was updated.

  • System: MPC, UPC, SSC of RICC
  • Intel C++/Fortran Composer XE 2015 for Linux Update 3

Please refer the following URLs to know detailed information.

Release Notes:
C++ Compiler
Fortran Compiler

Users of RICC can download manuals in RICC Portal after login.

RICC Portal (Login)
Product Manual Menu
=> Linux Cluster’s Manuals
-> Intel Compiler (Intel Composer XE 2015)

Users should re-compile if you need referring those documents.

If you have to use older version or have questions please contact

How to compile

1. Intel Composer XE 2015


 [username@ricc ~]$ . /etc/profile.d/ 15.0
[username@ricc ~]$ cc -pc -intel test.c


 [username@ricc ~]$ . /etc/profile.d/ 15.0
[username@ricc ~]$ f90 -pc -intel test.f


 [username@ricc ~]$ source /etc/profile.d/xiccvars.csh 15.0
[username@ricc ~]$ cc -pc -intel test.c


[username@ricc ~]$ source /etc/profile.d/xifortvars.csh 15.0
[username@ricc ~]$ f90 -pc -intel test.f

When you use the latest version of compiler you should use “latest” optioin.

 [username@ricc ~]$ . /etc/profile.d/ latest

2. Intel Composer XE 2015 for Open MPI 対応版
Please use compilers(mpicc/mpic++/mpif77/mpif90) under  /usr/local/openmpi-1.8.6/intel-15.0.3/bin.

(bash / C)

 [username@ricc ~]$ . /etc/profile.d/ 15.0
[username@ricc ~]$ /usr/local/openmpi-1.8.6/intel-15.0.3/bin/mpicc test.c

Sample script for batch jobs
(bash / C)

[username@ricc ~]$ cat
#MJS: -pc
#MJS: -proc 16
#MJS: -time 10:00
#MJS: -compiler intel
#MJS: -parallel openmpi
#MJS: -cwd
#MJS: -eo#BEFORE: a.out
export CLTK_MPI_HOME=/usr/local/openmpi-1.8.6/intel-15.0.3
. /etc/profile.d/ 15.0
/opt/FJSVcltk/bin/mpirun ./a.out

[username@ricc ~]$ qsub

3. Intel Composer XE 2015 for Open MPI
Please use compilers (mpicc/mpic++/mpif77/mpif90) under  /usr/local/openmpi-1.8.6-mpi-thread/intel-15.0.3/bin.

(bash /  C)

[username@ricc ~]$ . /etc/profile.d/ 15.0
[username@ricc ~]$ /usr/local/openmpi-1.8.6-mpi-thread/intel-15.0.3/bin/mpicc test.c

Sample script for baych jobs
(bash /C)

[username@ricc ~]$ cat
#MJS: -pc
#MJS: -proc 2
#MJS: -thread 8
#MJS: -time 10:00
#MJS: -compiler intel
#MJS: -parallel openmpi
#MJS: -cwd
#MJS: -eo#BEFORE: a.out
export CLTK_MPI_HOME=/usr/local/openmpi-1.8.6-mpi-thread/intel-15.0.3
. /etc/profile.d/ 15.0
/opt/FJSVcltk/bin/mpirun ./a.out

[username@ricc ~]$ qsub

[Inv.]Start of accepting applications of Quick use projects

Accepting of application of quick user projects of HOKUSAI will start at 10:00 AM on 18 May and accepting of application for trial usage has closed today.

Groups of HOKUSAI trial have to submit application for Quick use project  if they want to use HOKUSAI after June. ACCC accept applications from new applicants who didn’t use HOKUSAI in the period of trial operation.

Regular operation of FY2015 will start on June 1 so groups which want to start usage from June 1 should submit applications at your earliest possible convenience.
Application form and How to submit

Applicants have to read the renewed Supercomputer System Usage Policy before making applications.

System overview

Applications of Quick Use Projects are acceptable as needed throughout the fiscal year but applications of General Use Project*  will be acceptable after the announcement in late August. (* Projects will start on October 1.)