All posts by editor_7

Announcement of a training session about shared use computers on September 29 [Publication of lecture materials]

[9/25 Post the announcement]

[10/2 Publication of lecture materials]

We will hold a training session on how to use HOKUSAI SailingShip(SS) and Intel AI/compiler.

Date: September 29
Time: From 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Place: Video conference (Zoom)
Language: Japanese

Lecture materials

However, we apologize that some documents are not available in English.
We will try to increase the English language documentation as much as possible.


Information and Communication Infrastructure Section, Information Systems Division, Head Office for Information Systems and Cybersecurity

Announcement of a user meeting about shared use computers on September 25 [Publication of QA]

[9/16 Post the announcement]

[9/24 Publication of handout]

[10/6 Publication of QA]

The trial operation of the Data Science Infrastructure HOKUSAI SailingShip will end at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, October 9,
and the regular operation is scheduled to start at 3:00 p.m. on Monday, October 19.
Also, at the same time, usage fees will be introduced in HOKUSAI (SailingShip and BigWaterfall).
We will hold a user meeting on the above.

Date: September 25
Time: From 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Place: Video conference(Zoom)
Language: Japanese
Registration is not needed.

Please download from the following handout.

Questions and answers at the meeting can be downloaded here.


1. Regular operation of HOKUSAI SailingShip and HOKUSAI usage fee


Information and Communication Infrastructure Section, Information Systems Division, Head Office for Information Systems and Cybersecurity

Application of FY2020 2nd General Use project
We start accepting application of FY2020 2nd General Use project.

Accepting period

Start: 3:00 PM (JST) August 5, 2020
End: 5:00 PM (JST) August 26, 2020
  • Since the Online Submission System will be closed automatically at the deadline, please complete submitting process including uploading the files in advance with a margin by the deadline.

