[UpDate]Intel Composer XE 2015

Intel Compier of RICC was updated.

  • System: MPC, UPC, SSC of RICC
  • Intel C++/Fortran Composer XE 2015 for Linux Update 3

Please refer the following URLs to know detailed information.

Release Notes:
C++ Compiler
Fortran Compiler

Users of RICC can download manuals in RICC Portal after login.

RICC Portal
https://ricc.riken.jp (Login)
Product Manual Menu
=> Linux Cluster’s Manuals
-> Intel Compiler (Intel Composer XE 2015)

Users should re-compile if you need referring those documents.

If you have to use older version or have questions please contact hpc@riken.jp.

How to compile

1. Intel Composer XE 2015


 [username@ricc ~]$ . /etc/profile.d/xiccvars.sh 15.0
[username@ricc ~]$ cc -pc -intel test.c


 [username@ricc ~]$ . /etc/profile.d/xifortvars.sh 15.0
[username@ricc ~]$ f90 -pc -intel test.f


 [username@ricc ~]$ source /etc/profile.d/xiccvars.csh 15.0
[username@ricc ~]$ cc -pc -intel test.c


[username@ricc ~]$ source /etc/profile.d/xifortvars.csh 15.0
[username@ricc ~]$ f90 -pc -intel test.f

When you use the latest version of compiler you should use “latest” optioin.

 [username@ricc ~]$ . /etc/profile.d/xiccvars.sh latest

2. Intel Composer XE 2015 for Open MPI 対応版
Please use compilers(mpicc/mpic++/mpif77/mpif90) under  /usr/local/openmpi-1.8.6/intel-15.0.3/bin.

(bash / C)

 [username@ricc ~]$ . /etc/profile.d/xiccvars.sh 15.0
[username@ricc ~]$ /usr/local/openmpi-1.8.6/intel-15.0.3/bin/mpicc test.c

Sample script for batch jobs
(bash / C)

[username@ricc ~]$ cat go.sh
#MJS: -pc
#MJS: -proc 16
#MJS: -time 10:00
#MJS: -compiler intel
#MJS: -parallel openmpi
#MJS: -cwd
#MJS: -eo#BEFORE: a.out
export CLTK_MPI_HOME=/usr/local/openmpi-1.8.6/intel-15.0.3
. /etc/profile.d/xiccvars.sh 15.0
/opt/FJSVcltk/bin/mpirun ./a.out

[username@ricc ~]$ qsub go.sh

3. Intel Composer XE 2015 for Open MPI
Please use compilers (mpicc/mpic++/mpif77/mpif90) under  /usr/local/openmpi-1.8.6-mpi-thread/intel-15.0.3/bin.

(bash /  C)

[username@ricc ~]$ . /etc/profile.d/xiccvars.sh 15.0
[username@ricc ~]$ /usr/local/openmpi-1.8.6-mpi-thread/intel-15.0.3/bin/mpicc test.c

Sample script for baych jobs
(bash /C)

[username@ricc ~]$ cat go.sh
#MJS: -pc
#MJS: -proc 2
#MJS: -thread 8
#MJS: -time 10:00
#MJS: -compiler intel
#MJS: -parallel openmpi
#MJS: -cwd
#MJS: -eo#BEFORE: a.out
export CLTK_MPI_HOME=/usr/local/openmpi-1.8.6-mpi-thread/intel-15.0.3
. /etc/profile.d/xiccvars.sh 15.0
/opt/FJSVcltk/bin/mpirun ./a.out

[username@ricc ~]$ qsub go.sh