Category Archives: Shared Use Computers HOKUSAI 2018
Announcement about experimental operation to effective use of HOKUSAI

In this fiscal year, GW-MPC is relatively unoccupied, and some projects have run out of allocated core hours. Therefore, in order to make effective use of the system, we will begin experimental operation that the projects exhausted the allocated core hours of GW-MPC will be lowered the priority and allowed execution.


We will add core hours to the projects which exhausted core hours of GW-MPC. No application required.

In order not to disturb the job execution of the projects which has not run out of allocated core hours, the priority (fair share value) is set to an extremely low value, so the jobs will only run if there are no
other jobs in the queue or using idle resources by the backfill function.

This operation is experimental and will be deliberated on the Special Committee of Research Environment in March for the after the next fiscal year.

If you have any questions please send a message to

Usage Report of FY2018 project and Application of FY2019 General Use project
We have just anounced by email to HOKUSAI users that we start accepting the Usage Report of FY2018 project and the Application of FY2019 General Use project.

Accepting period

Start: 3:00 PM (JST) January 23, 2019
End: 5:00 PM (JST) February 13, 2019
  • Since the application system will be closed automatically at the deadline, please complete submitting process including uploading the files in advance with a margin by the deadline.
  • You have to submit the Usage Report of FY2018 to apply for FY2019 project.



Announcement about Schedule about Usage Report of FY2018 and Application of FY2019

Submissions of the usage report of FY2018 and the application for General Use project of FY2019 of HOKUSAI are going to start around January 23th. We will inform you about the usage report, the application, the forms, and the submission procedure at that time.

The due date will be three weeks after that.


HOKUSAI is going to be operated during the New Year’s Holiday (12/29 – 1/3). However, any troubles and questions during the holiday will be handled after January 4th.

Additionally, we have reminded about IT security measures during the holiday in this URL.(RIKEN internal)