Dear ANSYS Uers, ANSYS was updated.(Version 15.0 --> 16.2) The command "ansys150" was replaced by a new command "ansys162". # How to execute Ex) PRE/POST [username@greatwave: ~/ANSYS] module load ansys [username@greatwave: ~/ANSYS] ansys162 -g -p preppost Ex) Sample scripts for the solver [username@greatwave:~] vi #!/bin/sh #------ pjsub option --------# #PJM -L rscunit=gwacsl #PJM -L rscgrp=ansys #PJM -L vnode=1 #PJM -L vnode-core=1 #PJM -L elapse=1:00:00 #PJM -g Q99999 #PJM -j #------- Program execution -------# module load ansys ansys162 -b nolist -p mpba < ansys_run.txt > file.out Ex) How to submit batch jobs [username@greatwave]$ pjsub [INFO] PJM 0000 pjsub Job 12345 submitted. ------------------------------------------------ Please contact of you have questions about exection.