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Software Update(Intel Parallel Studio XE 2017 Update 2 )

Intel Parallel Studio XE 2017 Update 2 was installed.

System: gwacsg, gwacsl

Please refer the release note to get more infoamtoin.

Manuals of Intel compiler are available on User Portal :

-> [Application Computing Server(Intel Parallel Studio XE Composer Edition 2017)]
-> [C++ Compiler and libraries]
-> [Fortran Compiler and libraries]
-> [Intel MKL]
-> [Intel MPI]

How to compile

Non parallel job

[username@greatwave1 ~]$ module load intel
[username@greatwave1 ~]$ icc test.c

Parallel job(MPI)

[username@greatwave1 ~]$ module load intel
[username@greatwave1 ~]$ mpiicc test.c

If you have any question please contact